Ain’t Burned All The Bright by Jason Reynolds and Jason Griffin

As you can probably guess this book is 5 stars ⭐️. (This is marked as for ages 12 and up)
A beautiful reflective narration of one’s feelings during the pandemic, especially as a Black person. Witnessing the unrest on TV and on the streets; showcasing just how numbing it was to witness so many people disregarding each other’s lives while others fought for theirs.
As always, Reynolds has a magical way of creating imagery through his words and that’s enhanced by Griffin’s bold art.
This is a very short read as it really only consists of three long sentences and breaths. It’s really about connecting with the experience, emotions, words, and pieces. So don’t be afraid to pick this one up and take your time with it.
Also, the audiobook is over 30 minutes as it includes two different narrations of the same text with the first being Jason Reynolds. So if you’ve never heard him speak or you love the way he speaks, you’ll love this. There’s also a sort of interview at the end of the print and audiobook between the creators, so be sure to check that out.